• Green Guide 2008 ratings

    Green Guide 2008 ratings

    Building type >
    Category >
    Element type >

    Element Galvanised steel rafters and joists, double skin built up profiled roof cladding (coated steel inner, insulation and UK produced profiled air cured fibre cement sheeting outer skin)
    Element Number 1212550014
    Summary Rating A+
    Climate Change A
    Water Extraction B
    Mineral Resource Extraction A+
    Stratospheric Ozone Depletion A
    Human Toxicity A+
    Ecotoxicity to Freshwater A
    Nuclear Waste (higher level) C
    Ecotoxicity to Land A
    Waste Disposal A+
    Fossil Fuel Depletion B
    Eutrophication B
    Photochemical Ozone Creation C
    Acidification A
    Kg of CO2 eq. (60 years) 120.0


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    Call us on 0333 321 88 11 if you would like to know more, or email enquiries@bregroup.com.